Arrival 02/12/2025 Departure 02/17/2025 persons 2 Personen
Das Wellness-Wohnzimmer mit Kamin

Safety & hygiene standards in the Hotel Oberstdorf in the Allgäu

For your safety

Together we want to ensure that our guests and our employees can feel safe at Hotel Oberstdorf. We have implemented extensive hygiene and safety measures that enable you to enjoy a relaxed and safe holiday.

Here we answer all your questions about our hygiene and safety standards as well as the current Corona requirements ⬇

Last updated 06/06/2022 - subject to change.
(We have researched the information on the official requirements to the best of our knowledge, we do not accept any liability for this. We are always there for you if you have any questions!)

Book without risk

Would you like to book your vacation in a relaxed way, without having to worry about whether and how you can rebook due to Corona virus? No problem: In the event of travel restrictions due to Corona, you can rebook or cancel free of charge at any time. This applies to everything you book with us - regardless of whether it is a feel-good week or an overnight stay with breakfast. You don't have to pay a deposit either, with us you simply pay on site in cash, by EC or credit card.
Book without risk: if the following conditions apply to your booked stay, you can rebook or cancel free of charge.

  • There is an official travel ban, travel restriction or travel warning for your place of residence or the hotel location due to the corona
  • You or your partner or children have to be quarantined at home
  • You are traveling from abroad and cannot travel due to the border being closed
  • You or the person with whom you share a room must be placed in an officially ordered quarantine (proof required). If you have booked several rooms, the regular conditions apply to these rooms
Arrival & Check-In

In Germany:
In Bavaria, the 3G rule applies to hotel accommodation

  • Check-in at the hotel with a valid vaccination certificate (from 15 days after the second or third vaccination) or proof of recovery in combination with the presentation of a passport or identity card
  • Children under the age of 18 need a student ID or proof that they are regularly tested in school – otherwise, 3G also applies here
  • Children under 12 years and 3 months are exempt from the 2G rule; they also do not need a test
  • Exception:* non-tourist, mandatory stays (business travellers, multi-day training courses, etc., stay for the purpose of providing help and support for people close to you):
  • Check-in with a PCR test is also possible (PCR test not older than 48 hours)
  • A new PCR test is required every 72 hours
  • Evidence: confirmation from the employer, appointment or order confirmations
Relax safely in the Alpine wellness world

Nothing stands in the way of your swimming pleasure in the large brine pool and in the natural bathing lake. All areas of the Alpine Wellness World are open and here you will find your perfect spot for relaxation. Room of silence, wellness living room or in the relaxation room - you choose where you sit down to recharge your batteries and relax.

Wellness applications and the sauna area are also available within the framework of legal requirements and safety measures. Access to the sauna area is permitted from the age of 16.

The Alpine Wellness World is currently open daily from 7 a.m. to 21 p.m.

Safe for a drink

At the bar, chic acrylic glass panes are placed for your protection. But that won't spoil your relaxed evening by the open fireplace or on the village terrace - on the contrary. We still provide you with delicious drinks and cocktails. Our bar is currently open til 12pm.

Safe for breakfast, farmer's buffet and dinner

During your stay, you can enjoy the usual varied breakfast buffet. If you have booked the luxury board, you will enjoy a feast at the farmer's buffet in the afternoon and experience culinary highlights at the evening buffet with a wide variety of regional and international delicacies.

Disposable gloves are available at the buffets for voluntary use.

Safe at check-in and check-out

In order to make your arrival as safe and uncomplicated as possible, we ask you to fill out the online check-in form that we will send you a few days before your arrival. The registration form is then ready and waiting for you when you arrive and your vacation can start immediately :)

At the reception we are only separated by a thin sheet of acrylic glass. Our reception team will provide you with all the information you need for your relaxing and eventful holiday despite the window.

Mask requirement

At the Hotel Oberstdorf we use mouth and nose protection for employees. A mask isn't required but recommended (FFP2 or medical mask) when entering generally accessible areas (e.g. lobby, restaurant,). No mask is to be worn outside in the fresh air and at the table. It's easy to protect yourself and others!

Hygiene & Safety

…have always played a very important role in the Hotel Oberstdorf. We are well equipped and prepared here. The Hotel Oberstdorf is certified according to ISO 9001. Detailed specification and verification documents specify the implementation of extensive hygiene and safety measures. A Covid19 safety officer monitors all measures and regularly trains all employees in accordance with our certified hygiene and safety concept.

You will find your room in a perfectly cleaned and disinfected condition; sensitive hotel areas are cleaned and disinfected several times a day. The employees who are responsible for the cleanliness of the hotel wear face masks and gloves. They are well trained and are real hygiene heroes!

Check-in in Bavaria

All of the G-rules have been abolished, so no more proof will be required!

Your holidays without risk!
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