Weitsicht auf dem Nebelhorn

Activities in Oberstdorf and surroundings for summer and winter holiday

Holidays in Oberstdorf

Oberstdorf is the perfect place for family holidays, sports holiday-makers and those seeking relaxation in both summer and winter. The overwhelming landscape of the Allgäu Alps always accompanies you with variety and impressive views.

Exciting holidays in Oberstdorf the whole year!

You are looking for an exciting and breathtaking summer or winter holiday? You want to travel with your family or friends and discover the landscape and surroundings? The Hotel Oberstdorf and its location in the heart of the Allgäu offer best opportunities to experience great adventures, discover beautiful nature and therefore create awesome vacations for you in Oberstdorf.

Bitte lächeln! Nordwandsteig Mit dem Mountainbike in die Oberstdorfer Täler

Activities at the Hotel Oberstdorf - Indoor and Outdoor!

If you plan a trip to Oberstdorf in summer or winter season you can choose between a lot of different exctiting activities and adventures. Discover your perfect leisure and holiday activity.
Cs 180709 0973 1
Hiking and climbing:

Enjoy the fantastic mountain panorama and hike on over 200km of marked trails in three different altitudes. With the cable cars in Oberstdorf and the Kleinwalsertal, you can effortlessly reach the summit or the starting point of your hike.
The feeling of standing at the summit and experiencing the quiet beauty of the mountains takes you away from civilisation, stress and obligations. The mountains offer a picturesque and varied landscape and views which make us forget all our stress.

Bereit für die neue Skisaison?
Skiing and winter-action:

Alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, tobogganing and much more ... Even off the 130km of slopes, the Allgäu has a lot to offer in winter, such as winter hiking on 140 km of cleared winter hiking trails, cross-country skiing on 75 km of maintained trails and tobogganing on miles of natural toboggan runs.
The routes for cross-country skiing extend over the entire region and also include side valleys and districts. Fans of classic techniques will enjoy 75 km of trails and skaters will find 55 km of maintained trails.

Sonne, Berge, frische Luft - dieser Tag ist einfach perfekt!

Snowshoe tours

Experience a winter world away from the ski runs and trails and enjoy the view of the beautiful Allgäu Alps. It is a great activity for young and old people who want to feel the real winterwonderland

Gibst du Gast, hast du Spaß.


Whether family holidays or action moments, in the Allgäu you can choose between comfortable or fast downhill runs, on a natural toboggan run or on the slopes. This will remind you to your childhood.

Schneefreude auf schnellen Reifen


Tires are the new challenge and trendy sport for winter fun in the Allgäu. Experience the extraordenary winter adventure at the famous Audi Arena. Fun and action at the same time - are you ready?

Our holiday offers

Die Spielwiese von Oberstdorf im Allgäu

Christmas Days in the Mountains

Spend christmas in Oberstdorf in the 1st Feelgood Hotel in the Allgäu from 3 nights incl. pampering board and festive evenings on Christmas days, Christmas and cosy programme
Willkommen im Hotel Oberstdorf - Ihr Winterurlaub mit Feelgood Momenten

New Year's Eve at the Feelgood Hotel

Slide into a new year with us and celebrate New Year's Eve in the Allgäu mountains 5 nights incl. pampering board, New Year's Eve gala with music & dancing, delicious Buffet .
Gemeinsame Wohlfühlmomente vor dem Kamin

Feelgood days

Customise your holiday according to your wishes by adding wellness services or a ski pass. 3 nights including pampering board, use of the 1500 m² Alpine Wellness World.
What a view!

Combine Ski & Wellness

You don't know yet how often you want to go skiing or when you want to do wellness? Design your holiday individually.
2012 12 31 Eisstockschiessen  MG 0835 22

Oberstdorf skating rink

You can still have fun even when it rains. There are a lot of varied activities in the ice rink. Try ice-skating like an ice-princess or curling with professionals and enjoy wintersport atmosphere.
Kletterwald Söllereck 3

Climbing forest

For brave climbing monkeys who reach for the treetops and swing at lofty heights from tree to tree, the climbing forest in Söllereck and Immenstadt is the right playground.
Spaß für Jung und Alt

Allgäu Coaster

Summer tobogganing: Race down the sloped in curves, jumps, and waves at 40km / h in 2-seater toboggans. Even if it's raining you'll arrive at the bottom fully dry.
Abkühlung erwünscht?

Bathing and swimming

Aquarians and bathing mermaids will come across a wide range of swimming facilities, such as the hotel's own natural swimming lake, many lakes close to the Hotel or some pools nearby.
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